# Your data should be loaded into 2 Python lists called time_step # and sunspots. They are decleared here. time_step = [] sunspots = []
withopen('sunspots.csv') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') next(reader) for row in reader: sunspots.append(# YOUR CODE HERE) time_step.append(# YOUR CODE HERE)
# You should use numpy to create # - your series from the list of sunspots # - your time details from the list of time steps series = # YOUR CODE HERE time = np.array(time_step)
# You should split the dataset into training and validation splits # At time 3000. So everything up to 3000 is training, and everything # after 3000 is validation. Write the code below to achieve that. split_time = 3000 time_train = # YOUR CODE HERE x_train = # YOUR CODE HERE time_valid = # YOUR CODE HERE x_valid = # YOUR CODE HERE
# DO NOT CHANGE THIS CODE window_size = 30 batch_size = 32 shuffle_buffer_size = 1000
tf.keras.backend.clear_session() # You can use any random seed you want. We use 51. :) tf.random.set_seed(51) np.random.seed(51) train_set = windowed_dataset(x_train, window_size=window_size, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle_buffer=shuffle_buffer_size)
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([ # YOUR CODE HERE. DO NOT CHANGE THE FINAL TWO LAYERS FROM BELOW tf.keras.layers.Dense(1), # The data is not normalized, so this lambda layer helps # keep the MAE in line with expectations. Do not modify. tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x * 400) ])
# Note that you'll need to save your model as a .h5 like this # This .h5 will be uploaded to the testing infrastructure # and a score will be returned to you if __name__ == '__main__': model = solution_model() model.save("mymodel.h5")
Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'Date', 'Monthly Mean Total Sunspot Number'], dtype='object')
이중에 날짜 데이터와 월별 흑점개수 평균값 데이터를 주어진 time_step, sunspots 배열에 넣는다. 생성한 배열은 numpy배열로 변환한다.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
dataframe = _sunspots[['Date', 'Monthly Mean Total Sunspot Number']]
time_step = [] sunspots = []
for idx, sunspot in dataframe.iterrows(): time_step.append(sunspot[0]) sunspots.append(sunspot[1]) series = np.array(sunspots) time = np.array(time_step)
학습을 위해 데이터셋을 분리한다. 문제의 조건은 아래와 같다.
You should split the dataset into training and validation splits at time 3000. So everything up to 3000 is training, and everything after 3000 is validation. Write the code below to achieve that.